Do Ex-Employees Still Have Access to Your Corporate Data?
Organizations of all sizes have a problem that most of them are not addressing adequately: their employees store corporate data on various file-sharing and content access platforms and most of these people still have access to this data after they are no longer employees. Worse, much of this data in what Osterman Research is calling “rogue applications” is sensitive or confidential and many former employees continue to access it and – in some cases – share it with others.
Osterman Research conducted a survey to quantify the extent of the rogue applications problem. In order to qualify for the survey, respondents had to use a computer for work for more than 50% of a typical workday in their current job and in a previous job. A total of 379 online surveys were completed during June 2014. The results are shocking. Read the white paper in full by Osterman Research to learn the shocking results as well as preventative steps your company can take to protect against this very real Rogue Access threat.